In The Martian, the 2011 debut novel from American programmer and author Andy Weir, Watney is a NASA astronaut stranded on Mars after a crazy-intense dust storm forced his team to make an emergency evacuation without him. Now, everyone on Earth thinks he is dead.
Sid Meier's Starships continues where Civilization: Beyond Earth left off: spreading humanity through the galaxy.
Relations are deteriorating between the Pan-Asian Cooperative and Polystralia. Hutama has condemned the PAC to the other political leaders on Reihl, and it seems inevitable that there will soon be bloodshed. Tiangong ramps up industrialization and military production, and all out war looms on the horizon.
The wilderness is closing in around Tiangong, and the nearby colonies aren't all friendly. The Pan-Asian Cooperative was founded with peaceful intentions, but how long can this sentiment prevail under harsh conditions?
Anyone who has ever looked up at the night sky has wondered the same things. Why are we here? What could be out there? And how would we get there, once our planet is facing destruction?