Space games, so many space games!
This is it! The final part to our three part coverage of the indie space games at Pax East 2016. You’ve seen games that are in development and games that are in early access, now we bring you games that are currently available. Clear some space on your hard drive as we’ve got some great indie space games for you.
Part 3: Currently Available
Take a moment and rest while I, Merritt, gives you the final scoop on the indie space games that Fists of Heaven’s found at PAX East Boston. If you find anything that spark your interest, you can purchase them today! A full, complete space game! Set lazers to fat fry!
Into The Stars by Fugitive Games
A beautiful treat for the eyes, Into the Stars is a space survival simulator that you won’t be able to quit once you’ve started. Build a crew and start your journey to Titus Nova, the last hope for humankind. With three play styles, Into the Stars has something for everyone. Space is absolutely gorgeous in Into the Stars and I find myself regularly distracted by the planets, suns, asteroids and vastness of space that I mess up my game (and lose lots of citizens!). I also want to highlight the soundtrack, composed by Jack Wall, which pulls you into the game and is very well done. I was really happy to see Fugitive Games at Pax East as I’m a huge fan of Into the Stars. You can read the full Into the Stars review here.
Single Player – Available Now

Me with Richard Ludlow of Hexany Audio, sound designer for Into the Stars

I was really happy to see Fugitive Games at PAX East as I’m a huge fan of Into the Stars!

Galak-Z by 17 Bit Games
If you’re a fan of our stream, you’ve seen us play Galak-Z. The developers at 17-Bit Games delivered a great 2D space shooter game that includes tons of action, guns and fun! Galak-Z is inspired by classic 16-bit space arcade shooters, with you flying through space (that’s procedurally generated!), killing A.I driven enemies and includes a detailed story line. Hailing from Kyoto, Japan, 17-Bit Games pulled inspiration from anime and 80s arcade gaming to create the look for Galak-Z. I personally love the ship to mech ability! Galak-Z has also been featured in Indie Game Box with a crazy, cool, retro game box that is a rival for any game collection. Fists of Heaven’s enjoyed Galak-Z so much and can’t wait to see what 17-Bit Games makes next.
Single Player – Playstation & PC – Available Now

Hailing from Japan, 17-Bit Games pulled inspiration from anime and 80s arcade gaming to create the look for Galak-Z

The 17-bit booth at PAX East was showcasing the epic mech/arcade/awesomeness of Galak-Z. We are very excited to see 17-Bit and made sure to chat. We’ve covered Galak-Z on Fists of Heaven before, check out our coverage of Galak-Z here.

Pollen by Mindfield Games
A VR game that will blow you away! Pollen puts you on Titan, Saturn’s moon, uncovering the mysteries there. What will you find? Richly detailed, Pollen is an exploration game that is riddled with puzzles and intriguing storyline. Yes, you can play it on PC, but getting the full immersion that Pollen offers is best through VR (come on Oculus – I want my rift now!). Pollen is a must for anyone that wants to plug in their VR and be transported away from their life. Ever want to be an astronaut on a distant planet trying to survive? Jump into Pollen. I see similarities between Pollen and other puzzle games that I’ve played (Myst series, Lifeless Planet), however Pollen surpasses these other games by making the environment in the game fully interactive. So you want to mess with the bottle on the table just for fun? Go right ahead. This is how Pollen pulls you in so well. Mindfield Games also made sure your other senses aren’t left out, Pollen has a unique soundtrack, using a real time binaural soundscape, allowing you to hear the game as though you were actually there. I can’t wait to dive into Pollen!
Single Player – VR & PC – Available Now

You want to mess with that bottle on the table, just for fun? Go right ahead. This is how Pollen immerses you so well, via a fully interactive environment.

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