As you may or may not know, I’m a huge fan of Limit Theory, an indy and solo-dev procedurally generated space game with incredible aesthetics (see our previous Limit Theory coverage here) – so when Josh stopped his regular updates on the LT Kickstarter page and forum in January this year, I felt like he broke up with me missed the updates a lot along with many other LT fans, and we’ve all been left wondering what happened for a few months. Fortunately, he’s back!!! He left a lengthy personal explanation (as well as a TL;DR version) on the LT forums here explaining his absence.
Unfortunately, it seems Josh went through a tough mental time for a few months but is on the mend and back to work on Limit Theory, so hell yeah! I think I speak for all of us at FoH when I say Josh, man, we’re sorry to hear about you having a tough time, and we’re really glad you’re back, and of course, looking forward to more updates and eye candy.

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