Homeworld Remastered Release Date: 2-25-15!
I kind of had to get that off my chest right away. A RELEASE DATE! Looks like Gearbox and Randy P. kept their word from PAXaus about a February launch – YES! I’m freaking out, man, schnozzberry style. Pre-order on Steam now if you didn’t stock up on the now-sold-out Collector’s Edition
A Space Opera Returns
Homeworld was pretty much created the reason for the term ‘Space Opera’ back in ’99 when it was released. For those of us covertly overclocking their 75mhz Pentium to 90mhz to eek out 3 more FPS in the demo, that release was a big, big deal. Homeworld’s unique gamplay, incredible story, and attention to detail (for example, the manual is 41 pages of backstory, anthropological fiction, and ship specs!).
For those that don’t know, Homeworld is part Epic (as in the poetic term, not the overused gaming term) and part skill-based RTS. As RTS’s go, it was unique for it’s time because it was set in true 3D space: ships could move on the Z-axis, and yes, the Z-axis mattered tactically. Although most played it just for the story, I greatly enjoyed the competitive 1v1 gameplay because no two games were the same. A 1v1 match was a tactical test of tactical ingenuity, often lasting 1-3 hours. Despite having played a lot of 1v1, I never won a game the same way twice, and often won using completely unorthodox methods (kamikazing all of my collectors into the mothership? check. Sacrificing my processor to destroy acolyte rushes? done that. Hyperspaced my own mothership in place to buy precious seconds for me to destroy the opposing mothership first? absolutely.) The best way to describe a 1v1 match of skilled players is like watching an episode from the book Ender’s Game.
To know that another generation gets to experience the cult-following-inducing awesome that is the Homeworld universe (and in 4k, no less!) is possibly even better than re-experiencing it, because no ‘AAA’ title has or could fill the gap we’ve had in gaming since Homeworld 2’s debut in 2003. Maybe it’s because I recently entered my 3rd decade, but I’m super excited for this generation of sixteen-year-olds to have as much fun with this series as I did at that age – and Homeworld Remastered Collection is bringing back the same excitement I felt then.
The best way to describe a 1v1 (Homeworld) match between skilled players is like watching battle school tournaments from the book Ender’s Game – with spaceships
Speaking of Steam, there are 5 gorgeous 4k screenshots (yes, the game was remastered with 4k textures, in addition to completely remastered audio by none other than Paul Ruskay himself) available on the steam page, or see them here:
Homeworld Remastered High Res Screenshot PAX South 5 Homeworld Remastered High Res Screenshot PAX South 4 Homeworld Remastered High Res Screenshot PAX South 3 Homeworld Remastered High Res Screenshot PAX South 2 Homeworld Remastered High Res Screenshot PAX South 1
Randy’s Bulemic (it means he reads minds)
If you haven’t watched Zoolander (thus missing the above quote and reference), go do so, because your education and life experience is less for not having seen it…but enough digression! As always, Randy treated us to a magic show, performing this time as a Mentalist. After a lot of complex crowd interaction to choose a volunteer, Anthony took to the stage:
Do you see it also? YES YOU DO! First look at the official Homeworld Remastered Collector’s Edition, whatuuup!
And casually handed him a Homeworld Remastered Collector’s Edition! It turns out the chosen participant, Anthony, is 16, which would have made him either an infant not even born yet when Homeworld was released back in ’99. A second generation gets to experience a true work of art!
Despite the distraction of my precious collector’s edition, Randy’s magic show was even better than the last one I saw at PAXaus, correctly guessing the page number and word Anthony picked at random out of the manual…then displaying the chosen page framed on a stool behind him Anthony. Skillz.
Don’t worry, I have more pictures of the magic show Collector’s Edition: Not only did they go over the top for the game, but to provide the fans with such an incredible collector’s edition was very thoughtful. I can’t wait for mine!
Much Love!
I can’t say thanks enough times to Brian Martel, Randy Pritchard, Rob Cunningham, and the rest of the crew at Gearbox (and Blackbird/formerly Relic) for taking one of the best IP’s in the industry from the blackhole of bankruptcy proceedings and going well above and beyond what anyone, even us die-hard, overclocked-their-parents-PC-to-run-the-demo fans like myself could have hoped for. You guys have brought a digital masterpiece to a new generation, and it looks incredible. Thank you.
On the left Jeff Skaal, Randy Pritchard, and on the far right, Rob Cunningham and Brian Martel. You guys are awesome!
Brian, Randy, and the Gearbox team, you guys have brought a digital masterpiece to a new generation, and it looks incredible. Thank you.
Now, go pre-order Homeworld Remastered!

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