
Why I’ll Never Stop Playing Games

Can playing games actually damage our development? Here are a few pros and cons on that subject, and my opinion on why you shouldn't stop playing games.

Space Portrayal in Sci-Fi and Games

Space is not portrayed accurately in games and sci-fi. Here are 6 things that almost every game gets wrong, including the color of the moon! Did you know the moon is actually brown? Read on for more!

Aliens Among Us: Sci-Fi and Ideology

One of the recurring themes in science fiction since the fifties was the idea that aliens might somehow be among us, controlling us from within, rather than coming in badass spaceships and pew-pewing everything in their way.

The Worst Space Movies Ever

As a self-proclaimed expert on Sci-Fi, and movies in general (I’m probably the only guy who claims to be such a thing, right?), I am about to unleash a series of profanities and rants about my least favorite Sci-Fi flicks that I’ve ever watched.

Highly Illogical: Axanar sued by CBS & Paramount

You’ve probably already guessed that I’m about to go on a rant over the Axanar lawsuit, and you got it right.

The Martian Review by a Prometheus Fan

While some of us are anxiously counting the days to the release date of the Prometheus sequel, the good guy Ridley Scott is keeping himself busy promoting his latest creation – the astonishingly successful motion picture which you’ve probably heard about.

The Impending Age of AI

Current developments in artificial intelligence are having some ground-breaking results; but should we be worried?

Beyond the Stars, Week 4

The war has begun.

Review: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K. Dick

Ever seen Bladerunner? Well, if you have or haven't this book was the premise. Check out the review and see how this book stands on it's own two feet when compared to the movie.

Beyond the Stars, Week 3

Relations are deteriorating between the Pan-Asian Cooperative and Polystralia. Hutama has condemned the PAC to the other political leaders on Reihl, and it seems inevitable that there will soon be bloodshed. Tiangong ramps up industrialization and military production, and all out war looms on the horizon.

Beyond the Stars, Week 2

The wilderness is closing in around Tiangong, and the nearby colonies aren't all friendly. The Pan-Asian Cooperative was founded with peaceful intentions, but how long can this sentiment prevail under harsh conditions?

Jupiter Ascending Review: The TL;DR Version

The TL;DR Jupiter Ascending review.  Do gravity boots, Von Daniken, and Mila Kunis make a good movie...?  Can the W brothers live up to their Matrix awesomeness?  We give it to you in easy-to-read bullet points for those of you who lack the attention span to read more than 15 seconds (I'm looking at you, everyone who reads reddit...)

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