After building an automated Repair Facility, I had a choice of what to refocus my worker into. My technicians would have fit in wonderfully improving the Orbital Network, but my orbital program was still in its infancy, and I needed boots on the ground. I assigned them to the assembly line, boosting the production of my military units.
Hutama approached me to renew the shaky deal with our nations. I had hoped the favors would pile up and keep Hutama and Polystralia neutral, if not friendly. But as has happened so many times before, Hutama grew too power hungry. He condemned me to the other political leaders, and broke off any semblance of friendly relations. I condemned him in return, and refocused my entire nation. I knew it for certain now. War was coming.
I knew it for certain now. War was coming.
Everything became about what would bolster the upcoming war effort. A new Thorium Reactor was constructed, which would have increased the production of units and structures for the city. Instead, it was used to fuel military production. The Autoplant was built with export and trade in mind, and now it was for internal consumption.
We even developed further as a Military-Industrial Complex. I shook my head, nearly in disbelief. I had never wanted to engage in warfare, not with the indigenous life, much less fellow humans. We had fled together from the Great Mistake, and I wanted nothing more than for us to thrive among the stars. But I would not let anyone threaten that dream.
We had fled together from the Great Mistake, and I wanted nothing more than for us to thrive among the stars. But I would not let anyone threaten that dream.
We created a Cytonursery, cultivating the local fauna, and through hybridization we created an bio-organic mesh. This mesh mimicked the cellular division of the fauna, which would provide a major boost to unit production. I had to hand it to my scientists; they were achieving new breakthroughs every day. I could only hope Hutama didn’t have the same drive for progress.
Kavitha Thakur also renewed our deal, one of open borders between our nations. Unlike Hutama, who asked for energy in exchange for favors, Kavitha gave as good as she got. I could only hope that the distance between our nations in addition to our mutual agreements would keep her placated. I needed at least one ally on this rock.
The next few days were spent on expansion and military growth. I had more soldiers than I ever expected to produce. Military jets, rovers, rangers, my army was coming together quickly. I stationed them at the borders of my city, forming a shield between my territory and Polystralia. Citizens volunteered for colonization expeditions. I sent one to the East and one to the West, keeping them close enough to close the gaps to Tiangong. The cities of Quyen and Nhiet Tinh were formed, nearly forming a solid territory across from Polystralia. My soldiers were set, and I began to feel a sense of safety again.
I didn’t want to attack Polystralia. I didn’t want more warfare on this new, beautiful planet we had come to call home.
I didn’t want to attack Polystralia. I didn’t want more warfare on this new, beautiful planet we had come to call home. There could still be hope for our nations, for our humanity. I decided that, instead of waging war on Hutama, I would make one last try for peace. Tune in next week to see if there is any hope of diplomacy, or if Reihl would witness its first glimpse of human warfare.

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