The Three One Zero Digital Studio in collaboration with 505 Games, just announced the release date of the long awaited title, ADR1FT. which is apparently going to change the world of gaming as we know it. This is not an exaggeration, this is a completely new and yet unseen concept of game design that will set a whole wide range of new standards. Developed for Oculus Rift, ADR1FT is a FPX (First person experience), sort of a detective game with equally astonishing design and graphics as well as the unique, intense story that will keep you at the edge of your seat (or on your toes).

The Space Survival Game
Waking up in the deep, deep space with no recollection of previous events, consumed by the vast darkness while you’re floating in a badly damaged EVA suit, you are faced with the wreckage that used to be your space station – that sort of a scenario certainly seems terrifying, doesn’t it? But hey, it’s just a game. However, it’s a game developed for a Virtual Reality headset, Oculus Rift, and it is probably the closest thing to the real deal that most of us will get to experience during our lifetime.
Ever wondered how astronauts feel while they float around in the outer-space? Adr1ft will answer that for you.
The story behind the creation of this game is as equally intense as the gameplay is. The Adr1ft’s developer, Adam Orth, worked for all the major companies and with all the big names that you can think of, but always insisted on keeping his own visions, dreams and integrity very much alive. Good thing he did, because with this game he is revolutionizing space games, changing them for good.
FoH brings you an exclusive interview with Adam Orth, the director of the Three One Zero studios, and the mastermind behind Adr1ft.

Three One Zero is the name, Adr1ft is the game. First of all, can you tell us a little bit more about your alliance with Omar Aziz?
How did you manage to win him over and what’s it like working with him?
Omar and I have been friends and colleagues for many years. We met working on Medal of Honor games at EALA and really formed a bond personally and professionally. We shared a lot of the same goals for creating games and we were able to work closely together to achieve great results. An exciting partnership right from the start.
There wasn’t much to win over, really. We were both ready to do new things and I approached him with ADR1FT at the right time. He was ready to do something smaller, more intimate than Call of Duty and ADR1FT excited him from a creative and gameplay perspective. I called him and within 30 seconds of pitching the game and company vision, he was in.
Working together has been an extension of our previous work. We are good partners who understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses and we demand the best out of each other. I wouldn’t want to do this with anyone else.

I’m noticing that more and more developers are realizing that Virtual Reality is becoming a standard that they will have to honor.
How much was this project challenging for you and in what way?

This project was challenging in EVERY way! New engine, new team, new technology, new type of game, new game mechanics…the challenges never stopped. With VR, we knew very early on that it was special and what we were doing was going to be very unique for the technology, so we put everything we had into making something unique and we’re very proud of the end result. The VR version of ADR1FT is something I never thought would be possible and we are so excited to be one of the 1st games out in the new wave.

You’ve underlined a few times before that this game is sort of a metaphor for your situation with Microsoft and all.
What I want to ask you is – was it all worth it?
Now that you have this amazing game coming out, people are stoked, can’t wait to play it! You have your own studio, and your fan base is getting larger by the day…
So would you change anything that you did this far and risk this rather unique thing of beauty (Adr1ft) never to see the light of day?
The game is definitely a metaphor around that whole situation. As bad as it was…as bad as a mistake I made, I would not change any of it. You can’t. That’s life and life doesn’t work like that. You don’t get rewinds and do-overs. The measure of a person is how they learn and grow from life experience. That’s been my goal. I feel like I’m doing OK.
ADR1FT is a beautiful thing that exists from something awful. That’s inspirational in itself. A good lesson to learn, in my opinion.

Why Alex Oshima?
Is the name a reference to someone?
What inspired you to create this character?
The name is not specific to anyone, but there are subtle meanings under the surface if you dig a little. Alex is a complex character that encompasses a lot of things from my personal life as well as other people and themes I wanted to touch on in ADR1FT.
Can you possibly give us any sort of ETA on when will Adr1ft be available for Play Station 4 and X-box?
Yes, but we haven’t announced them yet.
All I can tell you is that they are definitely coming soon and they look and play great on both consoles.
On a more FoH note, which #spacegames are you playing in your free time?
If you have any of free time that is?
Right now I’m playing Destiny, which I really love and I just started playing Tharsis, which is very unique and I’m getting into it.
I’m not going to ask you if you are satisfied with the response, since the game hasn’t even dropped, and yet everyone is already talking about it.
However, after Adr1ft settles, what’s your next move? Any new games in planning?
I’m satisfied with the interest and excitement around ADR1FT. Who wouldn’t be? The real test is when people have it in their hands. Like I said, we are proud of it. We feel like it’s good. We hope people feel the same way.
As far as what’s next, we are already working on our next game project and have a few other things we are working towards. Nothing I can reveal, but we’ve very excited and in a short time have something very cool up and running already. We’re very excited to jump right back in. it feels a little insane, but that’s game development!
– Adam Orth
ADR1FT Release Date
This game will be available on Oculus Rift and PC on March 28. Although it is a well known fact that Adr1ft will also be available on Xbox One and PS4, that release date is still TBA, so rejoice in thy faith and join the PC master race. Until we all don’t get a VR headset.
Speaking of, The Oculus Rift VR, along with your free copy of EVE: Valkyrie on it, is going to cost you quite a pretty penny. At this moment the price for this headset is set to $600 USD.
But let’s be honest. We’re not going to miss the opportunity to play Adr1ft in VR.
Thank You Adam Orth!
It’s been a privilege having you on Fists of Heaven. Thank you not just for this interview but for your astonishing contribution to our favorite genre, for your work on Adr1ft and thanks to Three One Zero studios and 505 Games for making this awesome game. Can’t wait to try it out.
If you haven’t already, you can pre-order Adr1ft here. You can also find a neat comic book which tells the story behind Adr1ft (no spoilers) and get a hold of other cool features that you can purchase along with your copy of the game.

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